Rackspace Cloud Backup on Arch 2013.6

Since the applications, data, and services on my Rackspace (this) server is becoming more and more important I decided to look into Rackspace’s Cloud Backup service. However, I ran into trouble during the setup of the service, and this article tries to describe how it was solved. I followed their guide to Install the Agent. There is an AUR for the driveclient that could be used, but at the moment I’m not that keen on using AUR’s, and at the time of writing the version in the AUR is also a bit old....

August 26, 2013 · 2 min · 408 words · Jonas

Updating Arch 2013.2 on Rackspace

With June 3rd came an update for Arch Linux that gave me some server trouble I couldn’t recover from. I had to start my Rackspace server in Rescue Mode to get my data back (files and databases). On the upside I found that Rackspace had upgraded the image to build from, now it’s “Arch 2013.2”. So I rebuilt the server from that image. This article describes how I upgraded the server and created a new image that could be used for creating new servers on Rackspace....

June 7, 2013 · 4 min · 678 words · Jonas