At its core, this site is a blog. Wikipedia defines this as:

A blog (a truncation of the expression weblog) is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries (“posts”) typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). ~ Wikipedia

This means that the site is by me, Jonas Bolldén, and it holds my thoughts and ideas mainly related to different aspects of IT and software development. Some of these ideas have been, will be, or are in the making of being implemented as full blown solutions, as example snippets, or as something there in between.

Hopefully, the site will constantly be changing, especially when it comes to the presented content, and information.

My profile

“Agile leader and techie on the Sense-and-Respond cycle who enjoys coaching and simulated free falls. Working as Head of System Development at Metria AB.”

With an evolved ability to structure and lead development related work I’m always in search of sustainable solutions for the customer. This I do with catchwords like simplicity and clarity in mind.

I’ve been in the IT-industry for over 20 years and have a high general technical understanding. The quest of learning anew is important, as is to question what I already know. By constantly trying to evolve I believe I can do a better job, regardless the task at hand.

Should you want to know more about me, you can find information at


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