Being the longtime, die hard Scrum advocate that I know I am, it’s with somewhat mixed emotions I’ve just now discovered Modern Agile.

Modern Agile is ultra-light, the opposite of mainstream Agile, which is drowning in a bloated tangle of enterprise tools, scaling frameworks and questionable certificates that yield more bureaucracy than results.1

The four principles, values, cornerstones, or whatever you want to call them, are elegant distillations of my beloved Scrum and certainly of all of the agile frameworks and toolboxes:

  • Make people awesome
  • Make safety a prerequisite
  • Experiment and learn rapidly
  • Deliver value continuously

However, I would probably not understand this ultra-lightness and the four principles as easy(?) if I didn’t come from other agile experiences.

I am quite intrigued, and very curious to explore Modern Agile from my latest standpoint; that of me being a manager.

There’s lot to explore, digest, learn, and perhaps even internalise from finding Modern Agile.

  1. An Introduction to Modern Agile, accessed 2018-05-25 08:32 ↩︎