We often hear that it’s important to enjoy our work, but this post is about an alternative phrase. “Have fun at work” shifts focus from work as action to work as environment.

Over a course of maybe four years I’ve come to shift my position on what’s important when it comes to work. In the beginning my position was that the work tasks had to be what motivated me while working, but now I’ve come to realise that the context of where the work tasks are performed has precedence. The main reason for this shift is that we’re spending a tremendous amount of time on working.1

At some point you will have to tackle tasks which are completely unmotivated and outright boring to take on, but still it’s your job; you get paid to do this, you might be in the position where you can’t choose not to do the tasks at hand.

Having an environment, a context, that is motivating you while working will help you handle the boring tasks.